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MSE exe-Microsoft Script Editor -howto install dr msWord OFFICE 2003 CD

MSE, sibling: VB Editor (from MS winWord)

JUDUL:: MSE exe-Microsoft Script Editor -howto install dr msWord OFFICE 2003 CD
MSE, sibling: VB Editor (from MS winWord)

* Microsoft Script Editor-howto install dr msWord 2003 ::
cara install kedua adl dg:: buka msword, klik menu tools/macro/MS Script editor
ada juga menu tools/macro/MS VB editor
----- JADI kita bisa edit VB dan web lewat msword. AMAZING!!!

AMAZINGGG!!! it's all in ms Office. all of my live, searching for the right tools to edit HTM not found this BEST tools.
and finally the tools you must never forget ==> MS DNA (by elemental software) just before Vis Studio 2002. WOOOOOWWW

INSTALL dari:: MS Office setup. Trus pilih komponen yg mau diinstal (beri centang)::
Microsoft Office / Office Tools / HTML Source... /Web Scripting / Web Debugging <------- (HARAP buat jadi portable please)

-----HARAP buat jadi portable, dg cara iintercept pki tools dr portableApplications NET (sourceForge)

** to XTGem bikin Artikel::
Eclipse Alternative: we understand that Eclipse needs GIGA bytes of storage. NOW, we're concert about GREEN technology (that dont extinguish much resources)
(no need for BIG SIZE .and the speed is fast).
Eclipse Alternative = homesite Plus, cfusion studio, jrun studio ,1stPage ,MS VI (visInterdev), MSE.EXE//MSD.exe,
in homesite (and its siblings), you can EVEN create user interface (.VTML) that insert autocomplete and syntax highLight that you define.
Just like dreamweaver, you can create user interface (.EDML)

** MSE – Microsoft Script Editor (HARAP view dg wordWrap, ADA 1 baris panjang) ::

Microsoft Script Editor is probably one of the lesser known tools that can really make a difference when it comes to developing web applications. MSE is a debugger, much like Visual Studio and it comes bundled with Microsoft Office. It should not be mistaken for Microsoft Script Debugger which is a piece of crap compared to MSE. MSE got all the nice features Visual Studio has without the bloat.

MSE is installed at %ProgramFiles%/Microsoft Office/OFFICE11/MSE7.exe. Older versions might be installed at a slightly different location and if you cannot find it just search for mse. If you still cannot find it and you have an old Microsoft Office CD lying around you can install it from there. If you select custom install or add remove components it should be located under Microsoft Office / Office Tools / HTML Tools /Web Scripting / Web Debugging.

By default script debugging is disabled in IE but you can enable it by
unchecking Tools / Internet Options... / Advanced / Disable script
debugging (Internet Explorer).

So how do you use this mysterious tool? MSE allows you to debug exisiting IE processes but more importantly it is triggered by the debugger statement (which by the way also works if you have Venkman opened for Mozilla). If you already have IE up and running or you can’t edit the source files of the web application you can get into the debug mode by opening the Debug / Processes dialog and from there select the process to attach to.

Once in debugg mode you can step through the program to see what is going on. Out of the box not much is shown but things like local variables, watch, running documents, call stack and more is available to you under Debug / Window.

This entry was posted on Monday, July 4th, 2005 at 21:49 and is filed under JavaScript, Software, Web. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.
71 Responses to “MSE – Microsoft Script Editor”
M. Schopman Says:
July 6th, 2005 at 20:40

And which enables you to unraffle what “object expected” really is about
Erik Arvidsson Says:
July 6th, 2005 at 20:43

…and figure out which file the error really occured in.
Guilherme Blanco Says:
July 7th, 2005 at 00:14

.. and also… dicover which object doesn’t support this method or property.

** How to make a script editor in Visual C#(c sharp) with Syntax Highlighting

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