Teya Salat

webServer with native ASP ASP.DLL /ASPNET :: (can run asp without iis pws)

ASP, goodbye IIS

JUDUL: webServer with native ASP ASP.DLL /ASPNET :: (can run asp without iis pws)

** ASP.DLL yang bisa digunakan:: (goodbye IIS) ::

** ASP.DLL digunakan oleh oreilley webSERVER pro::
When ASP 2.0(option pack 4) is put on the system it is installed in winnt/sytem32/inetsrv/asp.dll ----. ASP 1.0 (the one WebSite Pro can use)
installs itself in winnt/sytem32/inetsrv/asp/asp.dll. Website Pro can use the older ASP DLL (winnt/sytem32/inetsrv/asp/asp.dll )and IIS 4.0
can use the newer ASP DLL and it appears that the two can coexist on the same machine.

CARI: portable ASP Server, portable PWS IIS didapat=
-abyss native ASP spt -baby webServer asp (by Pablo)
-Quick 'n Easy Web Server for Windows 98/NT/XP/2003 and Vista(32 bits) is very easy to configure, it supports native ASP (no need to install IIS!) by pablo softw solution

-Fastream IQ WebFTP Server 11.5 CGI Isapi -CARI di Tucows: web server ISAPI, FreeProxy

-2mb Xeneo Web Server,sharw ----with native ASP:: namafile= xeneo
----XENEO webServ native asp , JUGA:: RaidenHTTPD Web server / Quick 'n Easy Web Server /Baby ASP /Blazix Web Server/ AN-HTTPD/Xeneo scripts source code/activeHTML(aHTML), iHTML

Xeneo Web Server full.zip "Xeneo Web Server 2.2.zip" "Xeneo Web Server 2.2.zip/Setup.exe" Xeneo Web Server cracked.zip.

-JUGA NodeWorks webserver ASP = apache::ASP (pki perl) misal response.write menjadi response->write (sama spt PERL yg ditampilkan via web)

ASP Setup di xeneo (axp.dll) :: AXP 0.9 supports the ASP 3.0 specification

ASP is configured automatically for the default site upon installation. Follow these steps to configure ASP for additionals sites:

Open the Xeneo Web Server Admin program and click on the Extensions tab

Click the Add button to the right in the application mappings group box

Enter the following information in the Add Mapping dialog box:

Ext: asp
---Path: \axp.dll

NOTE: replace with the actual path to the Active Xeneo Pages axp.dll. This is typically C:\Program Files\Northern Solutions\Xeneo.

Press OK and ensure that the entry is now in the Application Mappings list. Press Apply


CARI:: Qt (framework) , wxWidgets (formerly wxWindows)GUI, (born 22 tahun lalu, 1990)

-x WebGenie pembuat cgi star pro :: cari di filestube:: shoppingcart pro ftp://ftp.webgenie.com/pub/wscpro32.exe guestbook pro ftp://ftp.webgenie.com/pub/gs32.exe
-x cgi star pro 5.19 ftp.webgenie.com/pub/csp32.exe ftp://webgenie.securesites.com/pub/csp32.exe

NAMAFILE== IgniteFusion 2.5 , IgniteFusion 2.3 , (ver 3 gak bisa di win98)
namafile: IgniteFusion23r.zip, IgniteFusion25a.zip, http://www.ignitefusion.com/Release/IgniteFusion25a.zip

CFML Engine Alternatives [link]
Adobe ColdFusion, commercial (free Developer and trial editions) Railo, open source Open BlueDragon, the open-source implementation of BlueDragon BlueDragon, commercial, from New Atlanta
See also the following, which seem dormant or at least far less updated:
-x Camuffo, open source Coral (formerly from pcaonline.com) IgniteFusion mkfusion, open source SmithProject//smithOS, open source

** Virtual PC microsoft == bisa WIN98 emulate (utk jalankan oracle 7, VI 6 //interdev) ,
cari: win98 LiveCD == winMini = Windows 98 terkecil yang bisa berjalan langsung dari CD

**CARI: "visual interdev" PORTABLE (ver 1 & ver 6) = . . . SharpDevelop 4 - Portable Visual Studio, ...
BUKU = Designing and Implementing Web Solutions with Microsoft Visual, interdev in 21 DAYS, ...
InterDev IDE is shared with Microsoft Visual J++. InterDev IDE can also be found in Microsoft Office 2000 as == Microsoft Script Editor == Visual J++ - The IDE = Microsoft Script Editor (trimmed Edition)

The Microsoft Script Editor (MSE or MSE.EXE or "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\OFFICE11\mse7.exe" in Office 2003) is an optional tool included in Microsoft Office 2000[1] through Office 2007[2] and is found in "C:\Program Files\common files" directory.
it calls itself "Microsoft Development Environment 7.0". It is a trimmed down version of Visual Studio .NET 2002 (7.0)'s IDE.
"Microsoft Script Debugger" = trimmed edition//deprecated in favor of the more sophisticated Microsoft Script Editor (MSE.EXE),[citation needed][1] an optional tool included in Microsoft Office 2000[2] through Office 2007

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