Delphi 7 IntraWeb untuk membuat program dekstop dan web sekaligus // Delphi 7 IntraWeb to make desktop and web App SIMULTANOUSLY

Delphi 7 IntraWeb untuk membuat program dekstop dan web sekaligus // Delphi 7 IntraWeb to make desktop and web App SIMULTANOUSLY

Delphi 7 IntraWeb untuk membuat program dekstop dan web sekaligus // Delphi 7 IntraWeb to make desktop and web App SIMULTANOUSLY:

--- Delphi 7 webScript, IntraWeb :: similiar ...

Anda ingin membuat program desktop, sekaligus jalan di web tanpa compile ulang

dan membuat coding baru.

Do you want to make desktop program, also web program simultanously WITHOUT compile the souce code several times.

With this Visual GUI, you can make them

** PINDAHIN KE FILE intraweb jalankan.txt -------------------------------------------
buat artikel Delphi INTRAWEB webscript utk membuat Desktop sekaligus WEB application tanpa memprogram ulang// USING delphi INTRAWEB webScript to make Desktop including WEB Application without reprogram your SourceCODE

LENGKAP di intraweb / interweb

JALANKAN:: C:\prg\delphi-IntraWeb 9\Demos\FishMarket\Files\wwwiis -------

jalankan file dll ,buka dari web:: (jadi jalankan COM componen) ::


C:\prg\delphi-IntraWeb 9\Demos\DieFlyDie\Files ada file htm utk web

ERROR saat compile (ctrl F9) :: makeDirectory cannot make Directory

cannot load Intraweb10050.bpl IntrawebDB10050.bpl
cannot load package 'intraweb10070'
do you want to attempt to load this package the next time a project is loaded? (bgmn add package di delphi? )

** ENDOF PINDAHIN KE FILE intraweb jalankan.txt -------------------------------------------

tersedia beberapa komponen built-in pada Delphi, yaitu Indy--- dan Intraweb
Indy V9 Demos Demo applications for Indy V9 are available from the downloads section on the Indy site at:

delphindo GROUP :: Eko Indriyawan Jln. Darmo Harapan Surabaya Jatim 60187 085655022205

0. delphi7 jalankan menu NEW /FRAME
1. letakkan komponen IW Standard (misal IW Button, ....)
[Fatal Error] Features.dpr(44): Unit IWException was compiled with a different version of InException.EInException

C:\prg\delphi-intraweb9\demos features

bagus delphi FRAME apa itu::

** could not find wizard 'C:\prg\Delphi7SE\Extras\UnitExpert\FindUnit70.dll'
could not load package:: 'ibevnt70.bpl' , QR4design7.bpl


akan muncul jendela program "FISHFact edit demo server"

klik menu run /execute

---http://localhost:1622/start yg akan meredirect ke: (buka pakai googleChrome)


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